This is "Rabbiter' Camp", or more aptly, what is left of it. It is situated on Racecourse Road. The rabbit plague devastated plants and animals of the Mallee, changing people's lives and the landscape forever. A severe rabbit plague gripped the district in 1873- and so a slaughter was on!
The rabbit plague then seen farmers turn from their crops that were ravaged and their sheep that were starved to making money from culling of rabbits. Numerous ramshackle huts like the one in this image were erected and dotted along the Mallee landscape.
The sign reads .."Wonga Hut", a welcome shelter!
This hut was built in 1834 by the Committe Management to provideshelter for visitors to the Southern End of the Wyperfeld National Park, named "Wonga Lake Station". Until 1968, the only water available was that which was collected via the pipes on the roof of this hut, which was collected into a rain water tank.
Pleased to hear a rabbiter's camp is still there. How old do you reckon it is?
It would have been weird being a rabbiter..
I mean it's not exactly "manly" to kill hundreds of adorable fuzzy "wittle wodents" ..
that sound like a human baby crying when they're wounded.
I understand the need for the eradication which should have been extended to the genius inbred aristocratic asshats (alien invaders themselves) who brought the other alien invasion species to Australia's delicately balanced ecosystem!
You really do need to create/write a History book because your enthusiasm is infectious...
you should get that looked at :)
Good stuff Cazzie...history is wonderful to learn.
Excellent stuff :)
Love the pics and content!
Hard to believe they're flogging "wild" (read farmed) rabbits for $14 each or $25 a pair!
The rabbit-ohs will be turning in their graves.
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